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Reflection and Relaxation in Cahuita

Welcome to your next adventure with Go Limitless Retreats, where self-discovery meets luxury and transformation in the beautiful Cahuita, Costa Rica. Our retreat package is meticulously designed with your well-being and empowerment at the forefront. Immerse yourself in a life-changing journey, brimming with activities that nurture your personal growth, in a five-day, four-night life-changing opportunity.

What’s Included in Your Adventure

Your transformative experience allows you to embrace your full potential in a safe space that encourages personal growth, wellness, and a chance to create lasting friendships. This journey, meant to empower and provide an escape from your daily routine, includes:

  • Airport shuttle service to and from SJO, San Jose, Costa Rica, ensuring your journey begins and ends comfortably.
  • Five nights of serene lodging—choose between a single occupancy or double room occupancy tailored to your preferences.
  • Rooms include air conditioning, hot water, and private bathrooms, supplemented with charming handmade furnishings for a touch of local craftsmanship.
  • All-inclusive meals, covering dinner on Wednesday night through breakfast on Monday morning. We make every effort to accommodate your dietary needs with adequate notice.

Activities We Have Planned for Your Trip

The package includes distinct activities with a unique focus at our global retreat locations. Our Costa Rica destination includes the following:

  • Excursions and Activities – We provide two excursions, including a private boat ride where we teach our signature Money Mindset Workshop, and a day trip to the national park. Take part in morning yoga sessions and soothing evening sound baths — perfect harmony for the soul. Transportation to all scheduled activities is handled so you can focus on your experience.
  • Personal Growth – Join professional coaching workshops led by our certified coaches, an integral part of the retreat, designed to inspire change against the backdrop of Costa Rica’s natural wonders.
  • Leisure and Self-Care – Enjoy a free day where you can indulge in an optional massage or engage in a third excursion for an additional cost. (Excursions are subject to change based on weather or tour operator availability.)

An Important Note on Package Exclusions

While we endeavor to provide a comprehensive and inclusive retreat experience, the following are not included in your package:

  • Airfare to Costa Rica, which must be booked independently.
  • Mandatory travel insurance, to safeguard your journey every step of the way.
  • Gratuities, while not included, suggested guidelines will be provided before your trip.
  • Alcoholic beverages.

Space Is Limited, Book Your Adventure Today

Discover the power of transformation in paradise with Go Limitless Retreats. Embrace empowerment amid the beauty of Playa Lagartillo and return home not just rejuvenated but revolutionized. Book now and embark on a voyage that transcends the typical getaway; it’s an investment in the limitless potential of you.